Monthly Archives: March 2023

Mhe. Rais Samia Suluhu Hassan amuandalia Futari Mgeni wake Makamu wa Rais wa Marekani Mhe. Kamala Harris, Ikulu Jijini Dar es Salaam tarehe 30 Machi, 2023

Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Samia Suluhu Hassan akisalimiana na Mgeni wake Makamu wa Rais wa Marekani Mhe. Kamala Harris wakati akiwasili kwa ajili ya Futari Ikulu Jijini Dar es Salaam tarehe 30 Machi, 2023.
Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Samia Suluhu Hassan akizungumza na Mgeni wake Makamu wa Rais wa Marekani Mhe. Kamala Harris wakati wa Futari Ikulu Jijini Dar es Salaam tarehe 30 Machi, 2023. Wa kwanza kulia ni Mume wa Makamu huyo wa Rais Douglas Emhoff, Wa kwanza kushoto ni Makamu wa Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Dkt. Philip Isdor Mpango
Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Samia Suluhu Hassan akizungumza na viongozi mbalimbali wakati wa Futari aliyomuandalia mgeni wake Makamu wa Rais wa Marekani Mhe. Kamala Harris, Ikulu Jijini Dar es Salaam tarehe 30 Machi, 2023.
Makamu wa Rais wa Marekani Mhe. Kamala Harris akizungumza na viongozi mbalimbali katika Futari aliyoandaliwa na Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Samia Suluhu Hassan, Ikulu Jijini Dar es Salaam tarehe 30 Machi, 2023
Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Samia Suluhu Hassan akimsindikiza mgeni wake Makamu wa Rais wa Marekani Mhe. Kamala Harris mara baada ya Futari Ikulu Jijini Dar es Salaam tarehe 30 Machi, 2023.
Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Samia Suluhu Hassan akiagana na mgeni wake Makamu wa Rais wa Marekani Mhe. Kamala Harris pamoja na Mume wa Makamu huyo wa Rais Douglas Emhoff mara baada ya Futari Ikulu Jijini Dar es Salaam tarehe 30 Machi, 2023.
Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Samia Suluhu Hassan akiagana na Rais Mstaafu Mhe. Jakaya Kikwete mara baada ya Futari Ikulu Jijini Dar es Salaam tarehe 30 Machi, 2023.
Rais wa Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania Mhe. Samia Suluhu Hassan akiagana na viongozi mbalimbali wa vyama vya siasa mara baada ya Futari Ikulu Jijini Dar es Salaam tarehe 30 Machi, 2023.



President Samia Suluhu Hassan said Tanzania and the United States have signed several agreements to deepen and broaden economic cooperation between the two countries as a result of the historic visit of U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris to Tanzania.

The President said the agreements focus on USAID assistance to Tanzania, port cooperation, commercial dialogue and information and communication technology.

“On USAID assistance through the Development Objectives Agreement (DOAG), the United States will commit USD 1.3 billion to finance various socio-economic programmes in Tanzania,” President Samia said in a joint media briefing with Harris at State House in Dar es Salaam.

President Samia called for an early renewal of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) in order to extend it to at least the year 2030 allowing Tanzania and other African countries to increase their exports to the U.S. market.

On her part, the U.S. Vice President applauded President Samia for her ongoing reforms in Tanzania, describing her as a champion for democracy.

“You (President Samia) have been a champion in terms of democratic reforms in this country. Under your leadership, Tanzania has taken important and meaningful steps. President (Joe) Biden and I applaud you,” Vice President Harris said.

Harris said the Export-Import Bank of the United States will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Tanzania to facilitate up to USD 500 million in U.S. exports to Tanzania in transportation, infrastructure, digital technology and clean energy projects in order to boost trade between the two countries.